Providing Assistance to New Patients

Medication Refills

  • Call the pharmacy at least 3 business days be­fore you need your medications
  • Indigent Refills-you must call when you have 30 days worth of medications left. Please do not wait until you are out, it can take 3-4 weeks for these medications to arrive

Patient Responsibilities

  • Arrive in time for appointments
  • Call if you will be late or need to reschedule
  • Bring all medication bottles to the appointment
  • Bring copay for appointment, we cannot charge copays
  • Complete all paperwork in full, we may not be able to provide adequate care if we do not have all pertinent information
  • Inform clinic of any new insurance, phone numbers or addresses
  • Be considerate and cooperative with staff and respect the rights of fellow patients
  • Ask questions and seek clarification necessary to adequately understand your illness
  • Weigh the potential consequences of any refusal to comply with instructions or recommendations of your health care provider
  • Express opinions, concerns, or complaints in a constructive manner
  • Ensure that all information provided for inclusion in your medical record is complete and accurate